“Putting On View” by Giacinta Di Pietrantonio
“Putting On View” by Giacinta Di PietrantonioWe’ll start off by asking why Philip Tsiaras is considered a contemporary artist! It’s not because he was born in this century, 1952 in fact, in the state of New Hampshire- in the nation
“Art: The Dreaming Subjectivity” by Theodoros Georgiou
“Art: The Dreaming Subjectivity” by Theodoros GeorgiouArt, according to Hegel, is “subjectivity’s (the intellect’s) tangible appearance.” That is, given the tangible aspect of things, it is the aesthetic condition that determines the conventions by which subjectivity is constructed This central
“Philip Tsiaras: Private Myths” by Donald Kuspit
Philip Tsiaras’ “Private Myths” are an important advance in the surrealist tradition of twentieth century art. Like all good surrealist art, they ingeniously fuse, in Andre Breton’s words, “two states, dream and reality,” achieving, through the extraordinary verve necessary for
“Philip Tsiaras’ Elan” by Donald Kuspit
“Philip Tsiaras’ Elan” by Donald Kuspit… my propensity for duality, a need to be formal in theface of sensuality - like wearing a tie, I suppose, withouta pair of pants.Philip TsiarasHis perception is not unlike that of Tiresias who, havingbeen
“A World of Objects” by Marco Meneguzzo
“A World of Objects” by Marco MeneguzzoArt is never destructive. You can cancel a myriad of signs which you have painted on canvas with white paint, but they won’t disappear. They live on under the surface … Or you can
Philip Tsiaras “Horse Boy” by Angelo Pauletti
Philip Tsiaras “Horse Boy” by Angelo PaulettiHorses, horses, horses. A whole world contained in a few pages; the world of Philip Tsiaras, Horse Boy.This intimate expression does not take the place of a serious, traditionalcatalogue replete with footnotes and lists of
“The World Channels of Philip Tsiaras” by Maurizio Sciaccaluga
“The World Channels of Philip Tsiaras” by Maurizio SciaccalugaIdentical twins are little more than a freak of nature. Two different but complementary entities can give rise to a paranoiac and disquieting result, more interesting psychiatrically than literarily. True artistic invention
Philip Tsiaras “Transparent Spaces” by Syrago Tsiaras
Philip Tsiaras “Transparent Spaces” by Syrago TsiarasExperimentation and modernist tendencies have always supported authentic artistic creation. The combination of simple, geometrical and rational elements with unrestrained spontaneity, resourceful creativeness and the tendency to completely transform visual figures through which you
“The Pristine and Ancient Waters of Philip Tsiaras” by lannis Ikonomidis
“The Pristine and Ancient Waters of Philip Tsiaras” by lannis IkonomidisAncient Waters, the Acqua Antica, are the primary elements of all creation, the great power of flowing water and the Mother of ultimate existence. Water, the eternal womb, and light,
“A Family Poses” by Andreas Bee
“A Family Poses” by Andreas BeePhilip Tsiaras was born in New Hampshire in 1952 and has lived in New York City since 1978. His family emigrated to the United States from Greece shortly after the Second World War. Tsiaras’ drawings,